Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am 5'4" and my match's height is very very important to me


No match messages from eHarmony Monday morning!

Was this a programming glitch or have my matches ran out?? I was really starting to look forward to the gasps of horror and guffaws at the unintended comedy of the profile photos.

Whatever the case, with no matches to scrutinize, I got to thinking how I could have changed my preferences to yield zero matches for Monday.

I fiddle around with my preferences every other day or so to test its yields. For example, for the preferences of height and, education and income, they ask you for your own stat and rate on a scale of 1-7 how important your match's stat in this area is to you. At first, I rated them all at 7.

Ian and Ryan were having a discussion about how the programming of this preference works. As a woman, I instantly defaulted to thinking that they would match you with your stat and higher. But the boys wondered if they just match you by same rating, regardless of your own stat.

This would explain why I was getting the occasional 5'5" s and 5'4"s. They must have rated height to be a 7 for their partner, "I am 5'4" and my match's height is very very important to me". That doesn't say much does it? This could also mean that unemployed men can get paired up with suga mommas. hmmmm. Louisa? Are you reading this? Any explanation?

Then I remembered I filled in more of my profile; my can't stands and must haves (they limit you to choose 10 per category, uuuhhgg so hard!! I mean, how do I pick between denial and poor hygiene for my can't stands??) Did those preferences make me a difficult personality and of unmatchable quality again??

Didn't want to take the risk so with Ryan and Ian's suggestion, I opened up my religion preferences, lightened up my income rating and with Christine's persuasive powers, I lighted up my height rating! I know, another SHOCK.

I'm just going to believe that this did the trick because in flood the matches with a wopping two more potentials and a few maybe proceed with caution. One even: "PhD at Stanford University in renewable energy looking to start another busines ..." He did spell business wrong... eeeks

And, I have a date with No. 1 on Sunday! (before the big superbowl game thingy)

woot woot, getting exciting!


  1. dude! If you are going to lighten up on your rating for religion, income and physical attributes....you will be left with a midget convict!

    The reason you are doing this is to find a good match. You can meet any ol' loser in the bar. I will fly to San Fran and personally prove that to you if you are in doubt. Or you can recall our "wild" night out in LA ...when you were picking up the numbers of all the "catches". Stick to your guns, from experience I can assure you that anything less will lead to disappointment.

    Life is way too short. Don't make it even shorter by wasting your time dating douches you met online that don't even match what you are looking for. Trust in the power of mathematic algorithms :) ... you don't have a lot of matches because.....here's the shocker....you are amazing and there are few amazing guys to begin with (on e-harmony or otherwise).

    I hope No.1....made it through PRE criteria relaxation.

    Good luck on your date.


    ps - do I sound really cynical... May have to tone it down a bit if this is the year I am meant to be loveable. :P

  2. what "wild" night and] "catches" you are crazy talkin

  3. At the Essex Public House and Happy Ending....Matt and I STILL talk about that crazy night. You were ON FIRE!!!!
