Tuesday, February 9, 2010

eHarm's Got Competition

Getting an eHarmony email message is like getting "Tyra Mail!" because it's such a big deal to get a direct message from your matches. They even format the email alert to imply high importance and serious subject matter. Very exciting.

I got one from the "I'm in love with my job" dude and instantly regretted contacting him direct first. He added a second photo of himself. It was not good. I have yet to open the message...

There are two others I've been sending questions back and forth with and am almost to the final Tyra Mail stage of communication. Not too excited about them - let me tell you why:

- Ivy League PHD dude [awesome] BUT admires his martial arts teacher he had when he spent 5 years in Japan [major yellow fever alert]

- 6'2", loves to travel [awesome] BUT engineer [umm, no offense to my family] AND one really gay photo of himself in tight red shirt and camping hat, side rims flipped up (reads beret), leaning against a tree [I guess better than a basketball jersey....]


On the bright side, No. 1 and I have been emailing little witty emails back and forth setting up our second date. Yup, second date. Wouldn't it be crazy if the first guy to contact me works out into a relationship. Talk about beginner's luck.

He sent me an interesting article which makes a good case for online dating.

It peaked my curiosity enough to get onto chemistry.com which tries to match you by brain chemistry. Very interesting if it works... They ask you non-preference / personality type questions such as the relative length of your ring finger to your index finger and to pick the sincere smile from four portrait photos. The answers are supposed to tell the program your dopamine levels, which is a trigger for feelings of attraction and excitement.


"Based on a review of scientific studies on neurotransmitters and chemicals like dopamine in the brain, she determined that humans tend to express one of four dominant temperaments.

Since the [chemistry.com's] introduction in 2006, more than eight million people have answered Dr. Fisher’s questionnaire, and she has used their answers to pinpoint traits that attract people to one another. She says people of decisive, straight-talking temperament, whom she calls “directors,” tend to be attracted to empathetic, intuitive types she calls “negotiators.” Spontaneous types (“explorers”) tend to be attracted to their own kind, while traditional pillars of society (“builders”) also tend to seek out partners that resemble themselves."

The personality assessment is pretty right on. My primary personality type is explorer and secondary is director. I recommend taking the test just to get your personality type. It's interesting.

So far, I have 12 matches and 4 clicked "interested in you." Of course I can't view any of them until I pay up but I can see their primary personality type and a max 128 character profile "tweet."

One says, "My two favorite things are committment and changing myself." He's either completely taking the piss or is really that desperate... Can't see his photo so can't tell you.

Should I subscribe to find out?

oh and date no. 2 with no. 1 this Thur!

1 comment:

  1. i'm confused. i thought no. 1 was the PHD?

    so are you going to pony up for chemistry.com too!? you should and see which site gets you the best matches....write it off. it's like research for your blog!
