Monday, February 8, 2010

Date No.1 with No. 1

I know everyone is dying to know how my first date with my first online match went. For consistency I'll rate it using the eHarm 1-7 scale. I'd give it a 6. Pretty good. We talked for three hours and could have talked more, although the introvert - or restlessness - in me was itching a bit to hit the "wrap it up" button. It's exhausting to be fully engaged for that long. Is it a bad sign that it was exhausting??

I did come out of the three hour session with a big smiley face though. We talked about everything from his work, the Google in China story, to my time in Hong Kong, him growing up with two sisters, a lot on the "theory" of online dating, blah blah. He showed me his Nexxus one and I showed him my fav iPhone apps - gross.

After I got home and had some time to process the event, I dropped the rating to a 5. Six was much too high, he's gotta work towards something! My default tendency is to be on sell mode so I have to remember that he's trying to sell me, helllooo!!

I reflected on the fact that he did not ask anything about my career, even though I dropped several times that I'm working on a start-up and gave him many opportunities to enquire about mentioned schizophrenic yet exciting work history. I can go on and on about the implications of that, laced with feminist theories but how boring and so-15-years-ago is that.

I also started thinking how similar we are, in perspectives and interests. He is also a Taurus - really not sure how two bullishly stubborn attitudes would work out together. That was the case with my most recent ex. That was ridiculously painful.

No. 1 emailed me exactly 48 minutes after I left him with a nice message. I think I'll play the game a bit and keep him anticipating. Games work, on many levels and for many reasons. Sad but true. Gramma's words keep echoing in my head, "You musn't rush into any 'relations.' He won't respect you otherwise. And make sure you ask about his family's medical history."

So this gives me time to contemplate some other matches, none too exciting. And, I lose interest very quickly with the eHarm sending back and forth of questions. Multiple choice questions about how I'd like to spend my Saturday night doesn't really tell anyone much. And it drags out the process for weeks.

I took a cue from No. 1 and just went straight to email with one of them - a dude in advertising who is obviously very in love with his career. Thought I can do some networking. ;+ bad? aint no pride in 2009... or 2010.

Hopefully I'll have a 2-rate date to report. That would be funny, in a tragic way.


  1. Reading this I am reminded of the old adage: "Patience is a virtue."

  2. I am glad it went well, Joyce! Sorry for the late night calls lately - I have been on late night crack and just wanted to holler.

    Also, it's good to be reserved. Save the energy for the one who gives you instant good vibes! He's out there!!
