Sunday, January 31, 2010

Potential dates fall dramatically

So I received my VIP code on Jan 29 and I was pleasantly surprised to see that my promotion ended on my birthday, April 29! I took it as a sign ... of the immanent success this experiment. mmmhmmm

The first profile photo I saw gave me big hope - tall, handsome, athletic, intellectual, fun. He initiated the 'final stage" of communication straight to messaging, skipping the sending back and forth of stock questions. More on this later.

Then it was just downhill from there. Indian comb overs with stache, pregnant beer guts, 5'4"s, Chinese with pleated khakis hiked to his tits, glamour shots on velour chaise, pasty bulimic engineers...

One very conservative looking Asian guy even had "SEX activity" as one of his favorite hobbies.

Close communication - ALL - except the first dude, who I'm holding on to for hope. We'll just call him No. 1 for now. He complimented me on my import girl photo - the one Alta took in Bali of me in my banana dress playing camo in the produce section. We've exchanged a couple emails in which he tried to get my personal email - don't think i'm willing to give any personal details yet. But, I think I'll suggest we meet in person next. (!)

Until 12.30am....


  1. this is better than Gossip Girl!!! can't wait for the next installment!

    and thanks for the photog shoutout :)

  2. SEX in caps, two mentions

    better than gossip girl!?!? wow, i'm flattered that my nonexistent love life is that exciting!!

    and alta, i actually have TWO photos you took in my profile! ;p argentina profile

  3. yummm, pleated khakis...
    by the way, love that you left out the "ony"!! hahahah!! this should be fun - its awesome so far!
