Sunday, January 31, 2010

Can a computer program choose better than I?

"I've been choosing the wrong men my whole life - I wanted to see if a computer program can do better than I can." And those were the words that finally convinced me to jump on the online dating train. Thanks dear friend, you know who you are.

Oh how much her statement struck the deepest cords of regret and confusion as my schizophrenic dating history flashed before my eyes - starting with the bad boys (with a teddy bear interior of course) to the playboys to the nice guys I should have stayed with to the unavailable to chasing the ones that didn't want me.

I absolutely have more faith in technology than in my choice of men. I'm hopelessly tethered to my laptop and shamelessly addicted to my iPhone. I do geek out on technology because I'm fascinated by how it changes life as we know it in an instant (excerpt from my eHarm profile).

So at this point in my life in limbo land, I got nothing to loose!

And Thanks Louisa!

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