Thursday, April 22, 2010

Case Closed

Account closed 7 days before my 3 month trial ends. What a relief. After the last two complete failures of a date, I just couldn't stand seeing eharmony in my inbox anymore. The matches are getting worse and worse, or I'm just getting less and less tolerant. Whatever the case, online dating is definitely not for me. It was fun for the novelty in the beginning, nice but boring in the middle and just disturbing at the end. "Disturbing" was punctuated by one date who was so surprised I spoke good engrish and the last one who was as gay as a picnic basket. Such an apropos way to close the loop for someone in fashion isn't it?

What did I learn? Romance is dead, online dating is not for me and blogging is my self indulgent narcissistic obsession.

"The eHarm Experiment" has officially come to an end and "Adventures of a Female Exmodel Digital Entrepreneur in the Fashion B2B Space based in Silicon Valley" begins. Such an unlikely convergence of opposing worlds will surely yield some anomalous, challenging experiences for insightful analysis. I already have tons of rich fodder to start with.

Stay tuned!

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